Groupe Forget - Polyclinique de l'Oreille

Why you should avoid both loud noises and complete silence?

To maintain healthy hearing, it’s important to achieve sound balance on a daily basis. Too many loud sounds can be problematic, as can a lack of auditory stimulation.

Loud sounds

In the presence of loud sounds, the ears get tired and can sustain damage. This damage accumulates and can lead to either temporary or permanent hearing loss and tinnitus. A pleasant sound, like music, can be just as damaging as an unpleasant sound, like a lawnmower.

This is why it’s important to reduce noise when possible (lower the volume, move away from the sound source, wear hearing protection, etc.) and limit the time spent in a noisy environment.

Complete silence

While it’s important not to expose yourself to loud noises, you should also avoid spending too much time in a completely quiet environment. Being deprived of auditory stimulation can lead to hypersensitivity to sounds.

Your ears get used to the silence and can no longer bear to be in a noisy environment. Everyday sounds you would normally find tolerable then become annoying and unbearable.

Thankfully, unlike hearing loss caused by loud noises, sound sensitivity can be reversed with time and effort.

Don’t hesitate to contact an audiologist if you’re worried about your hearing or if you can no longer tolerate ambient sounds. An audiological assessment will help them tailor an action plan to your situation.

If you have any questions about your hearing or that of a loved one, our hearing health professionals will be happy to answer them.

BY ISABELLE  LANDRY, Audiologist, Polyclinique de l’Oreille

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